Grey's Anatomy officially starts back up TONIGHT!!! I am beyond excited (dorky, I know), but I just LOVE this show and have been counting the days until it was back on.
This also kicks off an important tradition/routine in our household. When there is a new Grey's Anatomy on, it's either pizza for dinner or something that can be made earlier in the day in a crock pot and that requires little to no clean up. And since there is nothing bubbling in the 'ole crock pot, pizza it is. Sorry Nick, but you know the rules. Mama don't cook on Grey's night! :)
I hope Luke wakes up from his nap soon so I can run up to the store and grab a frozen pizza. Can you tell I've been slackin' lately?? Ever since I started weight watchers I try not to think about food which often leads to an empty kitchen and no dinner plans. But, at least I'm down 10 pounds!
This also kicks off an important tradition/routine in our household. When there is a new Grey's Anatomy on, it's either pizza for dinner or something that can be made earlier in the day in a crock pot and that requires little to no clean up. And since there is nothing bubbling in the 'ole crock pot, pizza it is. Sorry Nick, but you know the rules. Mama don't cook on Grey's night! :)
I hope Luke wakes up from his nap soon so I can run up to the store and grab a frozen pizza. Can you tell I've been slackin' lately?? Ever since I started weight watchers I try not to think about food which often leads to an empty kitchen and no dinner plans. But, at least I'm down 10 pounds!
When I want to laugh, I always go back and watch this little video clip. This just seriously cracks me up. I wuv him.
Oh, and if Luke blowing out the candles isn't enough for you, check out the sleepy hair that was going on that morning. Looks like Nick and Luke both got visits from the "hair fairy". Haha!
Oh, and if Luke blowing out the candles isn't enough for you, check out the sleepy hair that was going on that morning. Looks like Nick and Luke both got visits from the "hair fairy". Haha!
His name is Joel Dewberry and I'm in love with him. I see him hanging in my kitchen very soon...draperies, of course!

This is still cracking me up and it's been four hours...HAHA!
Cameron somehow got renamed "Buddy" after he was born and so that's what we all call him. Today while at the mall with my sister and all the kiddos, we were sitting down watching "Buddy" and Luke play on the little stomp mat thingy. Kailey was sitting with us and was saying "Go, Buddy...Go, Lukey" sort of cheering them on. After a second she turned back to Amy and said "What's he's name, again?", pointing to "Buddy". To which Amy said, "Cameron...his name is Cameron". Then Kailey says "Go Cameron!"
HAHAHA! Too funny that his own sister forgot his real name!
Poor "Buddy".
I'm afraid "Sister" has found the same fate. Even Kailey and "Buddy" call her "Sister".
And on with the congrats. My baby sister, Laurin, closed on her first house yesterday!! We dropped of a swing set and housewarming gift last night and toured the house and it's awesome! The yard is HUGE and I'm SO jealous of her pantry!
CONGRATS, Laurin and Michael!
Cameron somehow got renamed "Buddy" after he was born and so that's what we all call him. Today while at the mall with my sister and all the kiddos, we were sitting down watching "Buddy" and Luke play on the little stomp mat thingy. Kailey was sitting with us and was saying "Go, Buddy...Go, Lukey" sort of cheering them on. After a second she turned back to Amy and said "What's he's name, again?", pointing to "Buddy". To which Amy said, "Cameron...his name is Cameron". Then Kailey says "Go Cameron!"
HAHAHA! Too funny that his own sister forgot his real name!
Poor "Buddy".
I'm afraid "Sister" has found the same fate. Even Kailey and "Buddy" call her "Sister".
And on with the congrats. My baby sister, Laurin, closed on her first house yesterday!! We dropped of a swing set and housewarming gift last night and toured the house and it's awesome! The yard is HUGE and I'm SO jealous of her pantry!
CONGRATS, Laurin and Michael!
I've been searching etsy today for little dresses and other clothing ideas for our fall family pictures. Here is a little of what I have found so far.
mountain aven baby
This is reversible.
Here is what the other side looks like.

And here is another fabric combo.

tickled pink girls
How cute is this??

And I love this fabric.

oh so sassy
And this comes in a size 6 cute.

Back with more in a little while...
mountain aven baby
This is reversible.

Here is what the other side looks like.

And here is another fabric combo.

tickled pink girls
How cute is this??

And I love this fabric.

oh so sassy
And this comes in a size 6 cute.

Back with more in a little while...
Today is our 3rd wedding anniversary! Three years and two kids later, I am more in love with Nick than the day we said "I do". We were talking about it the other day and realized that I have been pregnant two out of the three years we've been married! What can I say, we're over achievers...haha!
So, to celebrate we are going to the Melting Pot for dinner and perhaps a movie, Olivia permitting. I am trying to pump as much milk as I can so we can have a LONG evening out, but it's not going so well. Olivia has decided that today she would like to eat every 2 hours, leaving hardly anything to pump. Hmmm...someone must have clued her in on the fact that 'milk jugs' has dinner plans.
So, to celebrate we are going to the Melting Pot for dinner and perhaps a movie, Olivia permitting. I am trying to pump as much milk as I can so we can have a LONG evening out, but it's not going so well. Olivia has decided that today she would like to eat every 2 hours, leaving hardly anything to pump. Hmmm...someone must have clued her in on the fact that 'milk jugs' has dinner plans.
i know ike isn't supposed to get anywhere near us until tomorrow, but we are already 'hunkerin' down in the Evans' house.
Keep safe and dry everyone :)
Keep safe and dry everyone :)
I've had to add a password to my blog. It's a shame, really, but had to be done. Ask me to explain if you see me, for now, this is all I am going to say.
Luke loves to hold sister. He'll say "I wanna hold MY sister" and she better be ready because he doesn't take no for an answer.
On this particular day, she complied. I think she is learning that it hurts more if she fights it. Usually he has had enough sister after a few minutes, so it's best to just let him get it over with. haha
On this particular day, she complied. I think she is learning that it hurts more if she fights it. Usually he has had enough sister after a few minutes, so it's best to just let him get it over with. haha
Lukey has been going pee-pee in the potty ALL BY HIMSELF this morning! He just walks in there without me even knowing, pulls down his undies and shorts ALL BY HIMSELF, goes potty, pulls his undies and shorts back up ALL BY HIMSELF, flushes, and washes his hands (see makes huge mess). He then comes running out and announces that he went pee-pee and needs a special treat.
Makes me want to bust out with "oh, happy day! oh, happy da-ay!" There might have even been a little roger rabbitting on my part.
Makes me want to bust out with "oh, happy day! oh, happy da-ay!" There might have even been a little roger rabbitting on my part.
Olivia had her two month visit today and it's official...she's a chunk, as we suspected.
Weight: 13 lbs 1 oz (84%)
Height: 24.75 inches (97%)
Head Circumference: 15.75 inches (67%)
She got four shots today, no fun. She was NOT happy and cried and whimpered all the way back out to the car. Poor baby.
We go back when she is four months.
Weight: 13 lbs 1 oz (84%)
Height: 24.75 inches (97%)
Head Circumference: 15.75 inches (67%)
She got four shots today, no fun. She was NOT happy and cried and whimpered all the way back out to the car. Poor baby.
We go back when she is four months.
...Lukey is a big boy. We picked up his big boy bed tonight and put it in his room. This afternoon was his last nap ever in a toddler bed and he must have known something was up because he slept for four long hours, despite the fact that the air conditioner guys were climbing up and down the attic ladder outside his bedroom door.
I'm feeling mixed. I am excited for him but I am a little sad now looking in his room and no longer seeing his little crib. I had to fight back tears when I was putting his new batman sheets on. I even tried to attach his little fishy aquarium (that he likes to see the "fishies go in the tunnel") to the safety rail. Shhh...don't tell Nick, he'll make fun of me. Unfortunately, I was not able to get it to stay, so tonight will also be the first night EVER without fishies. When I took it off his crib Luke said "awww man! you broke my fishies! see, you broke it right dere."
I still need to do some finishing touches to the room, but I'll post some pictures soon.
I'm feeling mixed. I am excited for him but I am a little sad now looking in his room and no longer seeing his little crib. I had to fight back tears when I was putting his new batman sheets on. I even tried to attach his little fishy aquarium (that he likes to see the "fishies go in the tunnel") to the safety rail. Shhh...don't tell Nick, he'll make fun of me. Unfortunately, I was not able to get it to stay, so tonight will also be the first night EVER without fishies. When I took it off his crib Luke said "awww man! you broke my fishies! see, you broke it right dere."
I still need to do some finishing touches to the room, but I'll post some pictures soon.
I've waited the recommended two months (to let my milk supply get well established) before starting a diet plan, but now I am ready and I am so excited. I signed up with weight watchers online and it looks like it is going to be pretty easy to follow. I also love that they can adapt their plans for nursing moms. And all the recipes! I might actually enjoy this.
My goal is to lose 30 pounds to be back to where I was before I got pregnant with Luke. I am posting all of this so that you all can help keep me accountable. So, if you see me with a cookie in my hand feel free to slap me. Or, if you catch me sneaking a chicken nugget off Lukey's plate, again, feel free to slap me. I will not hold it against you.
A couple of chicken salad recipes I am going to try this week. Yummy, Yummy! (As Lukey would say)

My goal is to lose 30 pounds to be back to where I was before I got pregnant with Luke. I am posting all of this so that you all can help keep me accountable. So, if you see me with a cookie in my hand feel free to slap me. Or, if you catch me sneaking a chicken nugget off Lukey's plate, again, feel free to slap me. I will not hold it against you.
A couple of chicken salad recipes I am going to try this week. Yummy, Yummy! (As Lukey would say)