Olivia is growing up way too fast. So, naturally, I have been obsessed with taking pictures of all of her little "bits" that make her my squishy widdle baby girl. Today, chwubby widdle fingers shoveling food into her mouth. Tomorrow, chwubby widdle hiney. I know you can hardly handle the suspense.
Okay, enough with the baby talk all ready!
I hate the the focus is slightly off, but I'll take it. Sissy is in that perpetual motion phase and I was able to snap this shot just before she head dove off the couch for her paci. No sissy's were injured in the making of this photograph. I was able to use my supermommy quickness to snap the shot and then grab her just inches before she smacked the ground.
And, she thought it was funny when she would pull her headband down like this.
this is what luke carried into the house today and surprised me with. he came in from playing in the backyard and said "i have a surprise for you mommy". his hands were behind his back and, i have to admit, i was a little nervous and rightfully so. he then said "close your eyes". i did, reluctantly. and then when i opened them, this is what i saw. i screamed, of course. and then made him go back outside to pose for a picture.
boys and bugs. yuck!

sharkie passed away last night sometime between 8pm and 7am this morning. we found him stuck to the underside of his water pump. luke has no idea. he went over to his tank this morning and said "oh, no! sharkie's stuck again!" and proceed to try and free him with a spoon. sharkie then started spinning and twirling around in the tank because of the pump and luke said "look! sharkie doing tricks! where sharkie learn all those tricks?" luke thought it was pretty funny and enjoyed the entertainment. thank goodness my kid is not the most observant.
rest in peace, dear sharkie.
we love you and will never forget you. i'm sorry i didn't clean out your tank more often and i'm sorry you got fin rot (still not sure what happened there). you will be missed.
now off to buy another "sharkie". i wonder if i can buy one with fin rot so luke doesn't notice. what am i saying, i could probably put a turtle in there and he would just think it's another trick sharkie is playing.