I am feeling quite accomplished this holiday season and it's not yet the first of December! As you can see, we have already been to visit the big guy and have our annual picture taken. I was pretty surprised Sissy did not break down into hysterics when I placed her in Santa's lap. The old "hold your child facing you and make smiley, happy faces at her while you slowing walk over to Santa and place her in his lap then RUN away as fast as you can" trick seemed to work. The expressions on both kids' faces seem to be lacking a bit of excitement, but I do love how Sissy seems to be slightly comforted by the fact that she is able to hold Lukey's hand. Sweetness.

And the big question...what did the kiddos ask Santa to bring them this year??? Luke wants a "real motorcycle, a real motorcycle helmet, and a real motorcycle suit" (for racing, of course). He also asked Santa to bring Sissy a baby doll and a baby bottle. He said that is what Sissy wants.
And the big question...what did the kiddos ask Santa to bring them this year??? Luke wants a "real motorcycle, a real motorcycle helmet, and a real motorcycle suit" (for racing, of course). He also asked Santa to bring Sissy a baby doll and a baby bottle. He said that is what Sissy wants.