Nothing really going on today. We are just hanging out at the house waiting for Daddy-O to come home from work. I've got chicken enchilada chili cooking in the crockpot and my house is mostly clean. Sissy has been a little stinker today and even pulled my hair once. She was mad because I wouldn't let her eat toothpaste. Go figure. So, I just put her down on the floor and told her "no. we do not pull mommy's hair." And, the poor baby broke down crying. I felt bad for about a half a second until I realized she was up and headed back toward the bathroom to steal the tube of toothpaste again. is a random picture of the little stinker...with a toothbrush in her mouth. The girl is obsessed, I tell ya! Oh, and she also likes playing dress up. Luke is teaching her well. is a random picture of the little stinker...with a toothbrush in her mouth. The girl is obsessed, I tell ya! Oh, and she also likes playing dress up. Luke is teaching her well.
I am determined to get back on track with the blog and start posting more, but the problem is we have nothing going on. Absolutely nothing. I continue to clean house, do laundry, and make sure everyone is fed and generally happy. I am enjoying my new melaleuca cleaning products which has helped spice things up. I almost have all of the laundry done in the entire house. Key word, almost. I think if I actually get it all done it will be the first time in 5 years and will be a small miracle.
See, nothing going on. Nothing at all. Nick is in the garage organizing, Sissy is napping, Luke is helping organize, and I'm blogging...obviously.
I'm hoping for you're sake (the one person who reads this blog) that something post worthy does happen. Otherwise, the next entry will probably be much the same. BO-RING.
See, nothing going on. Nothing at all. Nick is in the garage organizing, Sissy is napping, Luke is helping organize, and I'm blogging...obviously.
I'm hoping for you're sake (the one person who reads this blog) that something post worthy does happen. Otherwise, the next entry will probably be much the same. BO-RING.
Should you happen to ask Sissy to show you her "sweet face", this is what happens.
And some of Sissy's favorite things as of late...
cutie oranges
her purse
"bubba" (luke)
"baba" (paci)
"mine" (blankie)
saying "uh-oh" about everything
and, of course, her "sweet face"
And some of Sissy's favorite things as of late...
cutie oranges
her purse
"bubba" (luke)
"baba" (paci)
"mine" (blankie)
saying "uh-oh" about everything
and, of course, her "sweet face"
So over the last week or so we have really been enjoying our days lounging at home. I think I may have gone into hibernation mode since all I care to do is eat, stay home, and stay warm. And the funny thing is...I've never been happier! I usually have to get out of the house with the kids at least once a day, but that's changed lately. The kids have started to play so good together and keep each other entertained so I have more time to do house work and laundry and enjoy my coffee :) I am so, so happy we decided to have Olivia when we did because I absolutely love the age difference between them. They are close enough now that they are really beginning to be friends. I love it.
Wow. What a night we had last night. Let's just say I dusted off the old "Strong Willed Child" and "Solving Sleep Problems" books last night and implemented a few techniques. The battle of wills finally ended around 2am with Luke's bedroom door being locked. He was pretty upset about that, to say the least. Boy does this little guy have a strong will! It's what I love about him and what makes him him, but it sure does make his life a lot harder sometimes. So here's to "shaping his will" not "stamping it out"! I have a feeling this is going to be a long, tiring process.
{A Note To Luke}
Dear Sweet Boy,
As you realized last night, Mommy and Daddy are serious. You must stay in your own bed all night long. No more coming into Mommy and Daddy's bed and "sneaking in like a mouse", as you call it. There will be consequences if you disobey, as you surely understand now after last night. Mommy and Daddy love you very much which is why we must do what is best for you and teach you how to stay in your own bed. Please, oh please, make better choices tonight. According to the book, Mommy and Daddy must win this battle of wills. If not, you will begin to disrespect us and could end up a hardened criminal one day. Like I said, Mommy is serious. Stay in your bed. Prison is no fun and I'm pretty sure they won't let Mommy come and snuggle you to sleep every night in your little 5x5 cell.
Hugs and Kisses.
{A Note To Luke}
Dear Sweet Boy,
As you realized last night, Mommy and Daddy are serious. You must stay in your own bed all night long. No more coming into Mommy and Daddy's bed and "sneaking in like a mouse", as you call it. There will be consequences if you disobey, as you surely understand now after last night. Mommy and Daddy love you very much which is why we must do what is best for you and teach you how to stay in your own bed. Please, oh please, make better choices tonight. According to the book, Mommy and Daddy must win this battle of wills. If not, you will begin to disrespect us and could end up a hardened criminal one day. Like I said, Mommy is serious. Stay in your bed. Prison is no fun and I'm pretty sure they won't let Mommy come and snuggle you to sleep every night in your little 5x5 cell.
Hugs and Kisses.
Among many other things I resolve to accomplish this year, I plan to work on improving my photography skills and begin writing a business plan and timeline. Realistically, I want to be back in business full time once both kids are in school. To reach this goal, I will need to continue learning and refining my skills over the next year or so. Blah, blah, blah...I know this is boring stuff to most of you guys. :)
So, I think I have narrowed down my post processing to these six conversions. I feel these best capture my style and offer enough variety and flexibilty that they will work with most images or sessions.

And in case you are interested, here is what the image looked like SOOC (straight out of the camera).
So, I think I have narrowed down my post processing to these six conversions. I feel these best capture my style and offer enough variety and flexibilty that they will work with most images or sessions.
And in case you are interested, here is what the image looked like SOOC (straight out of the camera).