What we're eating this week...
This week is a crazy week. We have a lot going on with the kids school, I'm chaperoning two field trips, the laundry is out of control, and I'm just trying to get things back in order since our trip to Costa Rica. Dinner has to be quick and easy this week. Last night we had Green Chile Chicken Tacos in the crockpot. We put the chicken on corn tortillas with a little guacamole and lime. They were quite tasty. Tonight it's round two of the same, but this time I'm serving the chicken on top of a salad with corn, cheese, black beans and cherry tomatoes.
What I'm loving...
I am absolutely LOVING this age with Emi. She just couldn't be any cuter and she says the funniest things. She loves Barbies and baby dolls. She loves Lucky Charms cereal. She loves watching Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. And if you ask her what she wants to do for the day...she'll quickly say "let's just go to the mall". She loves bracelets and necklaces and BIG sparkly bows. She loves wearing skirts the best. She loves pretending to be a ballerina or princess or ice skating girl and puts on shows for me. She is sassy and sweet and everything in between. I am soaking up every last bit of three before my baby girl turns into a big four year old.
What we've been up to...
Luke had STAAR testing last week. Olivia has decided to do competitive cheer this year instead of rec. She had her tryout last week and has her first practice on Sunday. She is very excited about winning trophies. ;) Olivia is finishing up her second season of soccer with the Sparks. She has improved so much this year! She consistently gets "a foot on the ball" and has even been close to scoring! She loves it. Nick and I spent 5 days in beautiful Costa Rica sans kids...it was glorious.
What I'm dreading...
One of my goals for May is to schedule dentist appointments for Nick and me. I hate the dentist. Totally dreading it. I'm also dreading my annual well woman exam next month. I can think of about 72,000 other things I'd rather do...like swim with alligators or break a toe.
What I'm working on...
SPRING CLEANING! Every room, every closet, every nook and cranny needs work. So far, I've tackled the girls' closets and four kitchen drawers. This is another one of my goals for May so I'll be working on this every day for the next...er, a really long time. ;)
What I'm excited about...
SUMMER! I'm so excited about summer. No schedules. No alarm clocks, no places to be. Just lazy days in the pool, cool naps on the couch, and plenty of fresh air and playtime. And, of course, our trip to Florida with The Whitfields!
What I'm watching...
Wow. Okay, this is going to be embarrassing. This is what's on my DVR right now. Little Women LA, Terra's Little Family, Survivor, Grey's Anatomy, Teen Mom OG, Dance Moms, Born In the Wild, Secrets and Lies.
I can't wait for new seasons of Walking Dead, Sister Wives, My Five Wives and My Big Fat Fabulous Life.