My sister, Amy, put together a slideshow of the pictures she took at the hospital. I think I must have watched it a hundred times already, but it's just so sweet and I love the one of Luke peeking into the nursery with this HUGE grin on his face. Priceless!
Thank you, Amy! I love you!
Thank you, Amy! I love you!
Olivia Kate was born yesterday at 5:21pm via c-section. She weighs 7 lbs 14 oz and is 21 inches long. She looks alot like big brother, Luke, except her hair is alittle bit darker and her cheeks are bigger. She is absolutely perfect and we are SO in love with her.
Luke has kissed her on the forehead and yelled "hi, baby sister" a few times, but is more interested in running the hallways and trolling for candy than anything else. I don't think he will really understand what it means to have a baby sister until we are all home for a little while and he realizes that she is not going anywhere.
I will post the offical birth story later but just want to officially announce the big news while I have a minute.
I am still in the hospital, enjoying the peace and quiet and snuggling with my sweet little Olivia every opportunity I get.
Nick is just smitten and has been deamed "the Olivia hog" since we end up having to fight each other to hold her...haha. It is so much fun watching Nick be a dad. And, to see how sweet and tender he is with her versus the "dukey man" who was surely being tossed into the air by day three (just kidding, please don't call CPS...haha), I realize again and again how blessed my kids are to have Nick as their dad. Wow, this post turned sappy real fast.
Anyway, just a quick update on me. I feel SO much better than I did after Luke was born. I have already been up and walking around the hospital, all IVs and tubes have been removed, and I've been released to eat solid foods again. Breastfeeding is going well and Olivia seems to be pretty happy and easy to soothe.
Tomorrow at noon is the c-section.
We should have our sweet baby Olivia in our arms by 12:30!
Words cannot describe the flood of emotions I am experiencing.
We should have our sweet baby Olivia in our arms by 12:30!
Words cannot describe the flood of emotions I am experiencing.
Yesterday, Luke fell asleep in the car on the way home from my doctor's appointment. When we got home, I picked him up to transport him into his bed and he was about half asleep. Just before I went to lay him down, he pulled his head up off my shoulder and gave me a quick little kiss on my cheek. It was the sweetest thing ever. At night, he always gives me kissies before I lay him down and, I guess, even half asleep he felt like he needed to. If that doesn't melt a mom's heart I don't know what does. Goodness, I love that little boy!
And, last week, while we were at Market Street, Luke was sitting in the shopping cart and grabbed my hand and kissed it a couple of times right on top. Again, it was such a sweet moment that I will treasure forever. I guess being born on Valentine's Day made him into quite the little love bug.
Oh, and then a couple of weeks ago, I went to get him out of his bed in the morning and I was wearing a new summer dress. He pointed to it and asked "what's that?" I said, "it's Mommy's new dress". Then he said, "I like-a Mommy's dress."
Yesterday, Luke fell asleep in the car on the way home from my doctor's appointment. When we got home, I picked him up to transport him into his bed and he was about half asleep. Just before I went to lay him down, he pulled his head up off my shoulder and gave me a quick little kiss on my cheek. It was the sweetest thing ever. At night, he always gives me kissies before I lay him down and, I guess, even half asleep he felt like he needed to. If that doesn't melt a mom's heart I don't know what does. Goodness, I love that little boy!
And, last week, while we were at Market Street, Luke was sitting in the shopping cart and grabbed my hand and kissed it a couple of times right on top. Again, it was such a sweet moment that I will treasure forever. I guess being born on Valentine's Day made him into quite the little love bug.
Oh, and then a couple of weeks ago, I went to get him out of his bed in the morning and I was wearing a new summer dress. He pointed to it and asked "what's that?" I said, "it's Mommy's new dress". Then he said, "I like-a Mommy's dress."

Special Treat: mysterious, yet very tempting, 'something' that mommy promises Luke he can have if he just sits in his (stroller, carseat, chair); generally works to get desired behavior out of above mentioned two year old; has yet to be received or divvied out due to said toddler usually passing out prior to getting home where special treat is kept.
And, yes, it is a giraffe, but what makes this giraffe so special??
No guessing, Erin E. :)
Laurin just called and told me what she's having!
I will wait and let her spill the beans, but I am SO EXCITED!!!!
Let the shopping begin!!!
I will wait and let her spill the beans, but I am SO EXCITED!!!!
Let the shopping begin!!!
{39 wks, 3 days} We had the sono and Olivia was measuring 8.45 pounds. The sonographer mentioned that it tends to measure on the heavy side so she would guess she is more like 8 pounds. Dr. Milstein checked me and I still have not dilated any. He did say that she was at +3 station which is better than a 'nothing station', I guess. My blood pressure was still in the "excellent" range and everything showed that Olivia is perfect and healthy and apparently very happy inside my tummy. She was kicking and moving during the sono and has been very active today.
We checked the schedule to see if they had anything available for a c-section next Monday or Tuesday, which, of course, they did not. They did have an opening on Thursday at noon (instead of Wednesday at 7:30am) so we decided to take it. We talked about the VBAC and fact that Olivia is big and all agreed that Thursday would be the day unless I go into labor beforehand. I am happy with this date and feel like that is adequate time for her to come on her own.
After our appt, Nick and I went up to the nursery to look at the babies. I wanted to see what an 8 and a half pound baby looks like, I thought that might help with my decision. :) There were just three babies in the nursery but they all looked so tiny and adorable. I can't wait to meet Olivia and I realize it really doesn't matter how she gets here, just that she gets here, safe and healthy.
So, now I will spend the next two days cleaning the house and getting things ready for the hospital.
{And for my own notes...nothing to eat or drink after midnight on Wednesday, can have juice around 4-5am, need to be at the hospital no later than 9am}
Oh, and I forgot to mention, my sister, Laurin, is at the hospital right now having her sono where they may be able to tell the sex of the baby! I am so excited to find out!!
We checked the schedule to see if they had anything available for a c-section next Monday or Tuesday, which, of course, they did not. They did have an opening on Thursday at noon (instead of Wednesday at 7:30am) so we decided to take it. We talked about the VBAC and fact that Olivia is big and all agreed that Thursday would be the day unless I go into labor beforehand. I am happy with this date and feel like that is adequate time for her to come on her own.
After our appt, Nick and I went up to the nursery to look at the babies. I wanted to see what an 8 and a half pound baby looks like, I thought that might help with my decision. :) There were just three babies in the nursery but they all looked so tiny and adorable. I can't wait to meet Olivia and I realize it really doesn't matter how she gets here, just that she gets here, safe and healthy.
So, now I will spend the next two days cleaning the house and getting things ready for the hospital.
{And for my own notes...nothing to eat or drink after midnight on Wednesday, can have juice around 4-5am, need to be at the hospital no later than 9am}
Oh, and I forgot to mention, my sister, Laurin, is at the hospital right now having her sono where they may be able to tell the sex of the baby! I am so excited to find out!!
{Luke has been waking up with a dry diaper lately so I have been trying to rush him to the potty first thing in the morning. A few days ago he began standing up to try and go pee pee. He will stand there and bend his legs a little and make straining noises.}
Me: "You can do it! Make pee pee in the potty! That a boy!"
Luke: (with the most serious face you can imagine) "It not workin'. It broken. It need new bad-wees (batteries)."
This kid cracks me up sometimes!
Me: "You can do it! Make pee pee in the potty! That a boy!"
Luke: (with the most serious face you can imagine) "It not workin'. It broken. It need new bad-wees (batteries)."
This kid cracks me up sometimes!
This is me trying to find a spot in the fridge to chill the watermelon.

Nick finds humor in this and runs to grab the camera. Me, having zero sense of humor lately especially when it has to do with the shape of my body, find little to be laughed at.
I turn and quickly pose for the camera, my attempt to get the camera away from me as quickly as possible. Nick finds even more humor in the fact that I just posed with a watermelon and begins laughing even harder. Me, still finding little humor in the situation.
Me, posing. Possibly one of my dorkiest pictures to date. Love how the chopped off ankles really elongates my body.

Me, being done with the situation and trying to see what is so funny.

The conversation that later ensues...
Me: "You know, the baby can't be that big if she can find inside that watermelon."
Nick: "Babe, your belly is WAY bigger than that watermelon" (more uncontrollable laughing)
Me: "Thanks, darlin'."
Nick finds humor in this and runs to grab the camera. Me, having zero sense of humor lately especially when it has to do with the shape of my body, find little to be laughed at.
I turn and quickly pose for the camera, my attempt to get the camera away from me as quickly as possible. Nick finds even more humor in the fact that I just posed with a watermelon and begins laughing even harder. Me, still finding little humor in the situation.
Me, posing. Possibly one of my dorkiest pictures to date. Love how the chopped off ankles really elongates my body.
Me, being done with the situation and trying to see what is so funny.
The conversation that later ensues...
Me: "You know, the baby can't be that big if she can find inside that watermelon."
Nick: "Babe, your belly is WAY bigger than that watermelon" (more uncontrollable laughing)
Me: "Thanks, darlin'."

I LOVE this! It's called the 'name charm necklace' from Suzanne Myers Jewelry and I love how simple and organic the design is. I could see myself wearing this everyday.
You customize a charm with each of your kids' names, pick out the border on each charm, and then pick out your own stones and Suzanne creates a piece just for you. Love, love, love this!
Tonight is a full moon. Everyone please cross your fingers that tonight is the night! I am probably jinxing myself by even posting this, so let's just pretend I didn't. know what they say about full moons... know what they say about full moons...

How sweet is this picture of my little niece or nephew that is due this December?? I think this sonogram picture was taken at about 12-14 weeks and it just amazes me that the baby is already sucking his/her thumb. Adorable :) I guess this little one is taking after his/her mommy already...Laurin was a serious thumb sucker for what seemed like FOREVER. I remember her walking around the house with her thumb all pruney (sp?) and wrinkly from sucking it all day. Haha!
We should find out in the next few weeks if it's a boy or a girl. My official guess is GIRL. We shall see!
Congrats Laurin and Michael!!
Dear Cervix,
You have been such a good cervix over the years. You just hang out, do your thing. I hardly notice you. You were a superstar during Luke's labor and started to dilate at just 38 weeks. And you didn't stop there, oh no. You went all out and dilated to 10 cm!
I know that was probably not much fun. And, I am so sorry that you did all of that work just for Luke to decide he wanted to take door number two. You just kind of got left hangin' there and I really felt bad for you. But, please do not hold it against me or Olivia now. She deserves to come out too.
So, if this letter finds you, please do what you were made to do and start DILATING for goodness sake!!
Juli (the lady you belong to)
You have been such a good cervix over the years. You just hang out, do your thing. I hardly notice you. You were a superstar during Luke's labor and started to dilate at just 38 weeks. And you didn't stop there, oh no. You went all out and dilated to 10 cm!
I know that was probably not much fun. And, I am so sorry that you did all of that work just for Luke to decide he wanted to take door number two. You just kind of got left hangin' there and I really felt bad for you. But, please do not hold it against me or Olivia now. She deserves to come out too.
So, if this letter finds you, please do what you were made to do and start DILATING for goodness sake!!
Juli (the lady you belong to)
{38 wks, 4 days} I had another appt with Dr. Milstein today. My cervix is still showin' no love. The baby is estimated to be over 8 pounds. We scheduled a sonogram for Monday to get a better idea of her size. After he checked me he told me to get dressed and meet him in his office. I felt like I was being called in by the principal. I knew he was going to talk c-section.
We discussed our options if the baby is over 8 and a half pounds on Monday and I'm still not dilating. He said it takes about a week to schedule a c-section and asked if I wanted to go ahead and get one on the books in case I decide on Monday that enough is enough. I agreed, reluctantly. So we have a c-section scheduled for Wednesday, June 25th at 7:30am.
I asked how accurate the sonogram is in determining weight and he said it can be off up to a pound in either direction. So, not very accurate, apparently.
If, however, Olivia is looking to be on the smaller size on Monday, and if I have started to dilate, we will hold off on the c-section and see what happens. The more I think about it, I really don't think I will give in to the c-section until we at least get to my due date. I mean, seriously, it's a little much to ask that my body be ready to birth this kid by 38 weeks. Most women do not go into labor by this point, so this is not and should not be shocking.
I am still hopeful since I did not dilate at all prior to my water breaking with Luke. Maybe that's just the way my body does things...maybe I'll go into labor tonight, or tomorrow...who knows??
Off to do some more research on VBACs...
We discussed our options if the baby is over 8 and a half pounds on Monday and I'm still not dilating. He said it takes about a week to schedule a c-section and asked if I wanted to go ahead and get one on the books in case I decide on Monday that enough is enough. I agreed, reluctantly. So we have a c-section scheduled for Wednesday, June 25th at 7:30am.
I asked how accurate the sonogram is in determining weight and he said it can be off up to a pound in either direction. So, not very accurate, apparently.
If, however, Olivia is looking to be on the smaller size on Monday, and if I have started to dilate, we will hold off on the c-section and see what happens. The more I think about it, I really don't think I will give in to the c-section until we at least get to my due date. I mean, seriously, it's a little much to ask that my body be ready to birth this kid by 38 weeks. Most women do not go into labor by this point, so this is not and should not be shocking.
I am still hopeful since I did not dilate at all prior to my water breaking with Luke. Maybe that's just the way my body does things...maybe I'll go into labor tonight, or tomorrow...who knows??
Off to do some more research on VBACs...
{38 wks, 3 days} Still pregnant. I woke up at 2am last night and couldn't fall back to sleep. I got this sudden idea in my head that I needed an emergency hair cut and highlight. It seemed, last night, that this was the answer to all of my problems. That all I had to do was call Toni & Guy, magically book an appointment for the day of, and I would feel refreshed, re-energized, and re-centered. And, not until this was accomplished, would I be able to face another week of not going into labor.
So, mission accomplished. My hair looks pretty nice (I must say so myself) and I do feel better. The problem is, I am still pregnant, still tired, still grumpy, and still pregnant. At least my hair looks good while I lay lifelessly on the couch. Speaking of...back to the couch.
So, mission accomplished. My hair looks pretty nice (I must say so myself) and I do feel better. The problem is, I am still pregnant, still tired, still grumpy, and still pregnant. At least my hair looks good while I lay lifelessly on the couch. Speaking of...back to the couch.
It's 1pm and I have lost hope that Olivia is coming today. I SO wanted that year supply of bottles :) They are awesome bottles, but so expensive. I'm talking $45 for a starter pack! I guess this means I need to bust out the breastfeeding book for a quick refresher. I am hoping to beat my record of 6 weeks exclusive BF with Luke. I'll have more motivation without the year supply of bottles, I guess. Perhaps Olivia is trying to tell me something...
So, it's "Faw-der's" Day as Luke calls it and we are enjoying a nice relaxing day at home. Nick got a homemade ice cream maker from Lukey and we have been working hard cooking the ice cream mixture and now it is chilling in the fridge until we are ready to start churning. We are making Vanilla Cherry Chocolate. YUM!
Back to the point of this post. Anyone who knows Nick, knows what an amazing dad he is. He is one of those guys that enjoys every aspect of fatherhood. Whether it's reading the bedtime story or brushing teeth or taking Luke on a bike ride every evening no matter how tired he is after work, kissing boo-boos or wrestling on the floor, teaching him his prayers or driving him out to see the tractors shoveling dirt, Nick is a devoted dad. He has an endless supply of love and patience. I feel blessed every day to have such an amazing husband, who truly is the rock of our family.
We love you! Happy Father's Day!
So, it's "Faw-der's" Day as Luke calls it and we are enjoying a nice relaxing day at home. Nick got a homemade ice cream maker from Lukey and we have been working hard cooking the ice cream mixture and now it is chilling in the fridge until we are ready to start churning. We are making Vanilla Cherry Chocolate. YUM!
Back to the point of this post. Anyone who knows Nick, knows what an amazing dad he is. He is one of those guys that enjoys every aspect of fatherhood. Whether it's reading the bedtime story or brushing teeth or taking Luke on a bike ride every evening no matter how tired he is after work, kissing boo-boos or wrestling on the floor, teaching him his prayers or driving him out to see the tractors shoveling dirt, Nick is a devoted dad. He has an endless supply of love and patience. I feel blessed every day to have such an amazing husband, who truly is the rock of our family.
We love you! Happy Father's Day!
Born Free is giving away a free year supply of bottles to any babies born tomorrow, Father's Day. Come on, Olivia, do you need any more motivation than that??

{38 wks, 1 day} I'm still pregnant. I had contractions off and on from about 7pm to at least 3am this morning. At one point, the contractions were coming exactly 3 minutes apart for about 2 hours. I was just certain that this was it, but then I finally fell asleep and I haven't had any more this morning. The contractions were the strongest that they have been (since they started about 3-4 weeks ago) and some were even starting to get painful.
You know you are done being pregnant when you are hoping that each contraction hurts more than the last...and you are disappointed when they stop...haha.
I hope this was just one more trial run before the real labor starts. I would love to have her in my arms before Monday :)
You know you are done being pregnant when you are hoping that each contraction hurts more than the last...and you are disappointed when they stop...haha.
I hope this was just one more trial run before the real labor starts. I would love to have her in my arms before Monday :)
...don't...I repeat, DON'T...fall victim to your sweet toddler's request for you to "peeze, mama" buy me some "hulk hands" .
Especially, don't do this if you are 9 months pregnant, extremely irritable and otherwise defenseless.
Now when I hear the pitter patter of little bare feet running up on me from behind and the words "fight mama", I must admit it's starting to scare me.
Please avoid end caps at Target for at least another few weeks as these things are EVERYWHERE!
Especially, don't do this if you are 9 months pregnant, extremely irritable and otherwise defenseless.
Now when I hear the pitter patter of little bare feet running up on me from behind and the words "fight mama", I must admit it's starting to scare me.
Please avoid end caps at Target for at least another few weeks as these things are EVERYWHERE!

High heels for babies???
I can't stop laughing every time I look at these. These are "heelarious". They come in hot pink and leopard print too...haha!
I can't stop laughing every time I look at these. These are "heelarious". They come in hot pink and leopard print too...haha!
I just remembered that tomorrow is Friday the 13th. Is that supposed to be a lucky or unlucky day??
I was thinking that if you decided that you may possibly like to come out sometime soon to meet us, that tomorrow would be a great time. Let's face it. We are both tired. You are surely getting pretty squished up in there. And, 38 weeks gestation is a fine time to leave the womb. Plus, your room is all ready for you and your clothes have been washed and folded and packed for the hospital. I even have matching bows for each of your onesies I am bringing. So, please do not worry about what you are going to wear.
Oh, and it's also Friday tomorrow, so that would work out nicely with our weekend plans.
So, I'm just sayin'...that would be nice.
{I wrote a letter to Luke the day before he was born so I am hoping this works a second time}
Oh, and it's also Friday tomorrow, so that would work out nicely with our weekend plans.
So, I'm just sayin'...that would be nice.
{I wrote a letter to Luke the day before he was born so I am hoping this works a second time}
I've been having some light cramping since I woke up this morning.
I hope this means something.
I'll be exactly 38 weeks tomorrow.
I hope this means something.
I'll be exactly 38 weeks tomorrow.
We are having our patio extended in the backyard today and they are about to start pouring the concrete. Luke is going nuts inside the house, following the "worker man" to every window and banging on it with his hammer, yelling "hi, worker man". He is a pretty rough lookin' fellow, hopefully he likes kids and doesn't mind an audience.
Luke is still snoozin' away so I find myself browsing around on etsy.
How cute is this magnet board from Steel Dreaming Designs?? I am debating on getting one for the laundry room to organize all the stuff that usually ends up on the side of my refrigerator.

Luke is awake...
How cute is this magnet board from Steel Dreaming Designs?? I am debating on getting one for the laundry room to organize all the stuff that usually ends up on the side of my refrigerator.
Luke is awake...
{37 wks, 4 days} Went in for my ob appt today and was just sure that he was going to tell me I had started to dilate or something. Unfortunately, still nothing is happening. I have been walking constantly and doing everything I can think of to get her headed toward the exit, but it appears she is happy inside for now and has no immediate plans of vacating. My tummy was measuring 39 cm and he estimated her weight to be about 6 3/4 - 7 pounds. She is still head down but has not dropped.
I asked how much longer I have before we start talking c-section. He said that as long as she doesn't get too big he would be comfortable with me going to 40 or 41 weeks. So, we could end up with a July baby, maybe even a July 4th baby. I think she's trying to follow in her brother's foot steps and claim a holiday of her own since he has stakes on Valentine's Day.
I'm exhausted, but I am willing to wait as long as it takes for my body and Olivia to be ready. I know if I wait patiently I will have the best chance of having a successful VBAC.
I asked how much longer I have before we start talking c-section. He said that as long as she doesn't get too big he would be comfortable with me going to 40 or 41 weeks. So, we could end up with a July baby, maybe even a July 4th baby. I think she's trying to follow in her brother's foot steps and claim a holiday of her own since he has stakes on Valentine's Day.
I'm exhausted, but I am willing to wait as long as it takes for my body and Olivia to be ready. I know if I wait patiently I will have the best chance of having a successful VBAC.
{37 wks, 3 days} I am sitting here trying to recap the weekend and I cannot, for the life of me, remember what we did on Friday, or the rest of the weekend, for that matter. I do remember that we made a few trips to the neighborhood pool, I made a Boboli Pizza at some point, and on Saturday evening we went to a barbeque at my friend, Lisa's house, but most of the weekend is a blur. I feel like pregnancy makes me go retarded. It's like all the blood is flowing away from my brain or something. I cannot remember anything, I cannot think, and complete sentences are a thing of the past. What is it about pregnancy that does this to a person?? Is it not enough that it takes your thighs, butt, and boobs hostage as it transforms them into those of a complete stranger?? Must it take my mind too!
So, anyhoo...we had so much fun at the barbeque and it was so cute to watch Luke play with his little buddies. Yes, there was the occassional toddler smack down and, yes, Luke did bop his friend, Cole, on the head with a golf club a few too many times, but I think they had fun...haha. As for the rest of us, it was heaven to just sit outside in the shade, enjoy a sparkling lemonade, and relax. I couldn't help but find myself thinking that that may have been my last Saturday as a mother of one.
I have such mixed emotions lately. I am so extremely excited to meet my little daughter and snuggle her up in my arms. I think, perhaps, even more excited this time around, knowing just how amazing that whole experience will be. But then, when Luke starts crying for me to "hold you" and I just can't because of this enormous basketball under my shirt, I feel sad for him. He is still my baby and I want more than anything to be able to swoop him up anytime he needs me, rock him to sleep every night (if he'd let me), and play and wrestle with him on the floor until we are laughing so hard that we "pee-pee our diapers". I know this is all going to change soon once there are two little ones to compete for my attention, but we will figure it out and it will be even more amazing that I could ever imagine.
So, back to our weekend...after a blur of a Sunday (church, pool, lunch, nap, manicure/pedicure, shopping) we headed over to my mom's house for pot roast. We had some free tickets to the movies that we wanted to use before the baby came so we thought this would be a good opportunity to let Luke spend some time with Nana, while Mommy and Daddy get one last date night. (I keep referring to things as "the last weekend", "the last date night", "the last blah blah blah"...I sound like I'm about to walk the plank or something...haha).

So, my mom had bought these two giant blow up boats, one of which was a fire rescue boat (see above pic) complete with an operable watergun, and had placed them out in the pool. This was a little too much for Luke to handle as we would soon find out. The idea was that we would go outside to show Cameron the fire boat and then go back inside to eat dinner. After dinner, we said, they could all go swimming. So Luke starts shuffling his feet closer and closer to the pool and just as I reach to grab his arm and steer him back up the steps inside the house, he turns and runs. He does not even hesitate as he takes a running jump through the air and onto the fire boat. He only makes it half way on, with his legs dangling in the water, but is quickly able to pull himself the rest of the way up onto the boat. The momentum of his jump caused the boat to dart toward the deep end and, of course, I was in a panick. I was trying to lean over the edge and grab the string to the boat, all the while telling Luke to stay still, when all of a sudden, this blur of a person jumps from what seems like over my shoulder, into the pool. When the blur finally surfaced, I realized it was my little sister, Laurin. Haha...she was like "you guys were going to let a two year old float on a boat out in the deep end??" Her quick thinking created quite a splash and drenched Luke, but I was glad to see her "jump to action" whereas the rest of us, including me, Luke's own mother, were just screaming on the side of the pool. If he had fallen in the water, I would have certainly jumped in without hesitation, but when you have a dare-devil son like Luke you come to expect these kinds of things from him and so it's not necessarily shocking when he goes 007 and jumps 3 feet onto a pool float.
Please, oh please, let Olivia have a little more sense than her big brother...haha. I'm not sure my heart can handle it :)
Whooohooo...that's all I have to say :)
Hopefully, just one more week until we meet our little angel.
Hopefully, just one more week until we meet our little angel.
Okay, there are several of you guys out there that really need to start a blog. I thought I would take this opportunity to single you out and challenge you to start a blog of your own...haha :) You guys all have exciting things going on in your lives and I would love to hear about it. So, drumroll no particular order...
Erin Ewert
Stacey Lowry
Kim Sendrey
Lisa Carlson
Kimen Ehrlich
Jenny Emley
Mandy Martinez
Megan McKelvey
Laurin Dove
Cindy Steinhoff (she beat me to it, nice work, Cindy!)
There you have it, people. Now get to blogging :)
Erin Ewert
Stacey Lowry
Kim Sendrey
Lisa Carlson
Kimen Ehrlich
Jenny Emley
Mandy Martinez
Megan McKelvey
Laurin Dove
There you have it, people. Now get to blogging :)

So far so good. I opened the box today to double check that my chicco infant carrier will fit in this stroller. And, it did! Yay! I told Luke to hop in and I would take him for a ride around the house. He is obviously a little confused about his role because he hopped into the infant carrier and started asking for a "bay-bee baba". But, I'm not going to let that worry me too much about how he is going to adjust to baby sister. :)
So, back to the review. It required virtually zero energy on my part to get it put together which is a MAJOR plus these days. All I had to do was pop on the hoods, cup holder, and trays and we were ready to rock. It's super light and easy to manuever (around the house) and even fit through the front doorway without a problem. It is a little tricky to close up but once I figured it out and realized that it stands up on it's own, it racked up a few more points.
It also comes with this awesome cardboard box that, when tilted up against the couch, doubles as a house on which your two year old can climb on top off and bang with a hammer pretending to be a "worker man". Then, when that looses it's excitement you can push it back down on the floor and jump back and forth from the couch pretending that it's a boat and sharks are going to get you! And, finally, when that is no fun anymore, you can pull the huge plastic bag out of the box, tangle your feet up in it, and try walking up the box, falling, of course, everytime your clumsy little toddler legs make a move. This is sure to entertain both you and your toddler for hours. Or, perhaps we are just easily entertained...haha :)
On the serious side...the only negative I can see at this point is that one of the hoods is a little floppy and droops on the side. If it droops like this now, I wonder how it will look after Luke has pulled down on it 723 times! We shall see...

Bath & Body Works is having their summer clearance sale with up to 75% off! I had been waiting for this for the past week to go stock up on shower gels, lotions, bubble bath, and, of course, the always needed anti-bacterial handsoaps...7 for $20, people!! So, I'm stocked now and it feels good. :)

I had been debating for quite a while over whether or not these swaddling blankets were worth the cost. They are super comfy and are made with "100% of the softest premium cotton muslin" which I thought sounded perfect for a summer baby. I have passed over them time and time again but today I decided to go for it. I got the monkey set in orange and green and brown since we seem to have a pink overload right now. They are washing as we speak and I can't wait to get them dried and packed away in the hospital bag. Yum-O.
Here is the link to check them out. Enjoy!
Luna Lullaby
{36 wks, 4 days} My tummy measured 37 cm, which means I grew 2 cm since my last visit! Dr. Milstein felt around on my tummy and estimated that Olivia is well over 6 pounds already. He also was able to tell that she is still head down but she has not dropped or engaged yet. I found that very hard to believe considering I am running to the bathroom every 15 minutes and no longer walk, but waddle around. He also checked to see if I have started to dilate, which I have not. Bummer. I was sure something was happening.
We talked more about the VBAC and decided that as long as she doesn't get too big and I go into labor soon that we would try it. If she's not here by 38-39 weeks, we will discuss a c-section. I mentioned that when I start having alot of BH contractions I usually try to take it easy and lie down. He said not to worry, that if Olivia was born today she would be perfectly healthy and would be able to room in with me and leave the hospital when I leave. He said he would be totally fine with her coming any time now!
This was obviously exciting news, but also sent my mind whirling with all of the things I need to get done before she arrives. So just to clear the fog in my head a little, I will go ahead and make a quick list here of the things that must get done before I am okay with this baby coming.
1. clean out car and install carseat
2. buy double stroller before coupon expires
3. get caught up on laundry/dry cleaning
4. clean out refrigerator
5. make trip to grocery store to stock up on certain items
6. pack hospital bag (don't forget baby book, address book, announcement envelopes)
7. put hospital bag and diaper bag in car
8. white tank for newborn photos
Hmmm...I'm sure there is more I need to do, but that should keep me busy for now.
And a little peek inside her world. These are all from my 4d sonogram at 28 weeks.

We talked more about the VBAC and decided that as long as she doesn't get too big and I go into labor soon that we would try it. If she's not here by 38-39 weeks, we will discuss a c-section. I mentioned that when I start having alot of BH contractions I usually try to take it easy and lie down. He said not to worry, that if Olivia was born today she would be perfectly healthy and would be able to room in with me and leave the hospital when I leave. He said he would be totally fine with her coming any time now!
This was obviously exciting news, but also sent my mind whirling with all of the things I need to get done before she arrives. So just to clear the fog in my head a little, I will go ahead and make a quick list here of the things that must get done before I am okay with this baby coming.
1. clean out car and install carseat
2. buy double stroller before coupon expires
3. get caught up on laundry/dry cleaning
4. clean out refrigerator
5. make trip to grocery store to stock up on certain items
6. pack hospital bag (don't forget baby book, address book, announcement envelopes)
7. put hospital bag and diaper bag in car
8. white tank for newborn photos
Hmmm...I'm sure there is more I need to do, but that should keep me busy for now.
And a little peek inside her world. These are all from my 4d sonogram at 28 weeks.
My friend, Erin, clued me in on this awesome site today. It's a baby book for the modern tot. I have to warn you, though. This site is HIGHLY addicting. I have already started Livvy's book and have done a page for each trimester of my pregnancy.
The site is called 'how fast they grow' and is super easy to use. You just pick out your pages, click and drag your pictures into the spaces, add your text, and save. When you are all done, you can order prints to put in your own book or buy a book from them.
Now, how cool is that??
The site is called 'how fast they grow' and is super easy to use. You just pick out your pages, click and drag your pictures into the spaces, add your text, and save. When you are all done, you can order prints to put in your own book or buy a book from them.
Now, how cool is that??
Last night I was trying to get Luke to be sweet and give "baby sister" some kissies. As you can see from this first photo, he was less than excited about the idea. It's much more fun to use my tummy as a spring board to jump over the back of the couch.

Then he thought if he sat next to me and said "CHEESE" and smiled real big I would let him go. So this is what we got...

Then, wouldn't you know? Just as Nick puts the camera away, Luke leans over and kisses my tummy really fast. So I said "can you give 'baby sister' five kissies?" hoping that our slow point and shoot would be able to capture one. Well, he must have interpreted that to mean "give 'baby sister' high five" because he then smacked my tummy as hard as he could and yelled "FIVES!" He can be such a little stinker sometimes!
Then he thought if he sat next to me and said "CHEESE" and smiled real big I would let him go. So this is what we got...
Then, wouldn't you know? Just as Nick puts the camera away, Luke leans over and kisses my tummy really fast. So I said "can you give 'baby sister' five kissies?" hoping that our slow point and shoot would be able to capture one. Well, he must have interpreted that to mean "give 'baby sister' high five" because he then smacked my tummy as hard as he could and yelled "FIVES!" He can be such a little stinker sometimes!
...good question. I've been so wrapped up in designing this blog today that I just realized it's 5 o'clock and my hungry husband is going to be walking through the door any moment and I haven't given dinner the slightest thought. Must run and make dinner magically appear...
More later...I'm just so excited to finally have a place to update our family and friends on the kids. I am also in the process of getting my flickr account all set up and linked to this site so that this will be a one stop shop for the evans family. This nesting thing is getting a little out of control...
More later...I'm just so excited to finally have a place to update our family and friends on the kids. I am also in the process of getting my flickr account all set up and linked to this site so that this will be a one stop shop for the evans family. This nesting thing is getting a little out of control...
I just had to share this adorable hat I ordered for Livvy's newborn pictures. It's even cuter in person and I just can't wait to get it on her little baby head. This seller on etsy is awesome, by the way. She makes buying from her so personal and she's just the sweetest thing.
Have I told you I am absolutely addicted to Etsy??
Have I told you I am absolutely addicted to Etsy??
Luke has named my MIL yet again. At first he called her Mummaw (because he couldn't say Grandma)...then that transformed into Ni-ma (don't ask)....and this weekend she was G-Ma. She is hoping that G-Ma sticks since it's kind of a hip version of Grandma...haha. Anyway, Luke had a blast spending time with G-Ma and was in the best mood all weekend.

Friday night we went to eat at Outback and he was SO good. He sat down the entire meal, colored on the coloring page, and was just overall very pleasant and sweet and enjoyable to be around. This is something that hardly ever happens when we eat out, especially at dinner time. Go Luke!
Saturday we decided to go to Canton, despite the fact that I am 9 months pregnant. I ended up on a scooter which Luke thought was pretty cool. It was really hot but I found some cute things for the house so it was definitely worth it.
Sunday we went to church and then grilled kabobs outside and Daniel and his girlfriend came over. After we ate we went swimming at the neighborhood pool. We could only find one of Luke's floaties but that didn't seem to slow him down one bit. He was canon balling into the baby pool and swimming all over the big pool by himself.
This pic is from last weekend when he had both floaties, but it shows the ridiculous set up we have going on...

Again, we are still working on his picture smile...he says "cheese" and has started posing for me...oooohhh, the life of a photographer's kid...poor little guy.
I had BH contractions pretty much all weekend, but I am getting used to them now and don't get as worried about them. I think it's just my body gearing up and the baby seems to be happy for now so I don't think anything is going to happen any time soon. I have another OB appt on Tuesday and then I start going every week. I still need to pack my hospital bag, but that is it. I am getting SO excited!
I will post a 36 week belly shot later today. Nick took one last night and I was shocked to see how HUGE I have gotten just in the last week.
I am taking Luke to the Wiggly Play Center today with my friend Erin and her two kids. Luke always gets so excited to see Reese...I think he might have a little crush on her :)
Friday night we went to eat at Outback and he was SO good. He sat down the entire meal, colored on the coloring page, and was just overall very pleasant and sweet and enjoyable to be around. This is something that hardly ever happens when we eat out, especially at dinner time. Go Luke!
Saturday we decided to go to Canton, despite the fact that I am 9 months pregnant. I ended up on a scooter which Luke thought was pretty cool. It was really hot but I found some cute things for the house so it was definitely worth it.
Sunday we went to church and then grilled kabobs outside and Daniel and his girlfriend came over. After we ate we went swimming at the neighborhood pool. We could only find one of Luke's floaties but that didn't seem to slow him down one bit. He was canon balling into the baby pool and swimming all over the big pool by himself.
This pic is from last weekend when he had both floaties, but it shows the ridiculous set up we have going on...
Again, we are still working on his picture smile...he says "cheese" and has started posing for me...oooohhh, the life of a photographer's kid...poor little guy.
I had BH contractions pretty much all weekend, but I am getting used to them now and don't get as worried about them. I think it's just my body gearing up and the baby seems to be happy for now so I don't think anything is going to happen any time soon. I have another OB appt on Tuesday and then I start going every week. I still need to pack my hospital bag, but that is it. I am getting SO excited!
I will post a 36 week belly shot later today. Nick took one last night and I was shocked to see how HUGE I have gotten just in the last week.
I am taking Luke to the Wiggly Play Center today with my friend Erin and her two kids. Luke always gets so excited to see Reese...I think he might have a little crush on her :)