This post is a little over due, but Nick's birthday was last Sunday and he turned 29! We celebrated in Houston with Nick's parents and brother's family. We had a great time relaxing and hanging out with G-Ma (which now sounds more like Jam-Maw) and Paw Paw. Luke spent most of the weekend going pee-pee outside in the grass, a new little trick he learned on the road trip down, but I am happy to report we are back to going pee-pee in the big potty and have only had a couple of toddler fits to go back outside and "put out the fire".
When we got back in town, we celebrated again with Uncle Kent at Macaroni Grill and then Sheridan's for ice cream afterward. And then on Wednesday we celebrated yet again as a family and I made a yummy Orange and Nut Coffee Cake (thanks Paula Dean) and gave Daddy his gift from the kids. I am taking him out on a date next Friday night and my mom is watching the kids. I am gearing up to pump enough bottles so that we can enjoy a LONG evening out on the town.
So, happy birthday, Sweetie! I love you!
Here is a shot of that awesome coffee cake. I'm no cook, but I have to admit this was pretty darn good. It's filled with cream cheese and topped with pecans and melted butter!

And here is Nick with the kids.

And another shot with a little more attitude from Luke.
When we got back in town, we celebrated again with Uncle Kent at Macaroni Grill and then Sheridan's for ice cream afterward. And then on Wednesday we celebrated yet again as a family and I made a yummy Orange and Nut Coffee Cake (thanks Paula Dean) and gave Daddy his gift from the kids. I am taking him out on a date next Friday night and my mom is watching the kids. I am gearing up to pump enough bottles so that we can enjoy a LONG evening out on the town.
So, happy birthday, Sweetie! I love you!
Here is a shot of that awesome coffee cake. I'm no cook, but I have to admit this was pretty darn good. It's filled with cream cheese and topped with pecans and melted butter!
And here is Nick with the kids.
And another shot with a little more attitude from Luke.
I have some seriously crazy/exciting/wonderful, did I say crazy, news (no I'm not pregnant) but I can't share just yet. Stay tuned for more on that...for now, all I have to say is "wow, wow, wubzy"!
No accidents yet, but the newness and excitement has definitely worn off the whole "going pee-pee in the potty" thing. Now it is more of an annoyance to have to stop playing to rush to the potty.
We went to the mall today to play inside since it was raining and I would catch him doing the "potty dance" as we call it, crossing his legs and holding himself. This means "I have to go". I would ask him if he wanted to go to the potty and he would say no every time. I had to practically drag him into the bathroom (thank goodness the mall is mommy friendly and has little toddler sized potties) as he protested and tried to negotiate a deal to go back to the play area. He would just stand there and try for a couple of seconds and then say "no pee-pee...maybe in a little while", which is what I would say to him in the beginning. Then when we would finally go back to the play area, he would start the potty dance again.
So, this potty training bit is a little more complicated than I first thought. At least he is holding it while we are out and, quite honestly, I have been impressed at how long he can hold it for such a little guy. Maybe it's like running, the first week is okay since it's new and fun, but the second week is brutal, the third is better and it just keeps getting easier from that point on. I sure hope so. :)
We went to the mall today to play inside since it was raining and I would catch him doing the "potty dance" as we call it, crossing his legs and holding himself. This means "I have to go". I would ask him if he wanted to go to the potty and he would say no every time. I had to practically drag him into the bathroom (thank goodness the mall is mommy friendly and has little toddler sized potties) as he protested and tried to negotiate a deal to go back to the play area. He would just stand there and try for a couple of seconds and then say "no pee-pee...maybe in a little while", which is what I would say to him in the beginning. Then when we would finally go back to the play area, he would start the potty dance again.
So, this potty training bit is a little more complicated than I first thought. At least he is holding it while we are out and, quite honestly, I have been impressed at how long he can hold it for such a little guy. Maybe it's like running, the first week is okay since it's new and fun, but the second week is brutal, the third is better and it just keeps getting easier from that point on. I sure hope so. :)
Luke is doing great with the potty training. He started standing up to go pee-pee on Wednesday and now will not sit down, except to make turks, of course. :)
I saw him standing on the little stool going pee-pee last night and he looked so grown up. I thought I was going to cry. When we started potty training boot camp last Monday part of me really didn't think it was going to work and that he may not be ready. This is all happening so fast and now I feel like my little baby is all grown up into this big boy. I love the no diapers aspect, but it is a little sad to see him growing up, I must admit.
Where has the time gone? It was just yesterday he was a fat little chunk that could barely sit up and said "ducka-ducka" all the time.
I saw him standing on the little stool going pee-pee last night and he looked so grown up. I thought I was going to cry. When we started potty training boot camp last Monday part of me really didn't think it was going to work and that he may not be ready. This is all happening so fast and now I feel like my little baby is all grown up into this big boy. I love the no diapers aspect, but it is a little sad to see him growing up, I must admit.
Where has the time gone? It was just yesterday he was a fat little chunk that could barely sit up and said "ducka-ducka" all the time.
I am by no means an expert at potty training, nor have I read ANY books on the subject. I am just following my motherly instincts and a compilation of tips from mommy friends on what to do and it seems to be working...for now, at least.
So, for those wondering, this is what we have been doing.
Went cold turkey yesterday straight into undies. Luke was less than thrilled and I actually had to chase him around the living room to get them on him. The day began with me asking if he needed to go potty and him saying "no, potty" and running away laughing.
He had two big accidents, meaning full pee-pee on the floor. He stood there shocked and said "what happened?". I told him he went pee-pee on the floor and that was yucky. We would rush to the potty and let him try to finish. The first three times he was unsuccessful. Each time he had an accident, I would just say "Uh-oh" and run him to the potty. I would say "almost, let's try again in a little while" and then he would say "otay, mommy".
The fourth time he started to pee-pee, he stopped himself and told me he had to go potty. We rush him to the little potty, which was set up in the living room, and he finally went pee-pee after about a minute of sitting there. This was a HUGE break through. We made a big ordeal out of it, clapping, singing "Lukey went pee-pee in the potty", high fiving, etc. He got really excited and slammed down the lid to the potty and said "Ta-da!"
After he goes pee-pee sucessfully, we repeat this bought of crazy screaming, dancing, and applauding. Then we walk the pee-pee bucket into the bathroom and he gets to pour it into the big potty. Then he gets to flush it and watch it go down "the tunnel". Then we wash our hands, dry them off, and then parade into the kitchen when he gets to pick out a "special treat" (aka jelly bean) from the "special treat jar". This is when I tell him how happy I am and he tells me how happy he is.
The biggest things that have seemed to help are:
1. Moving the little potty around the house with us where ever we go. That way it is in sight all the time and keeps him thinking about it.
2. Rewarding him with a jelly bean each time he is successful. This is probably a big no-no, but it seems to be working for us and even though I may have to carry around jelly beans in my purse until he starts kindergarten, my kid is peeing in the potty!
3. Not over-reacting when he has an accident by just saying "Uh-oh" and taking him immediately to the potty. Then pumping him up about trying again in a little while.
4. Setting him up for success, by keeping a close eye on him and watching him for signs that he needs to go potty and reminding him often.
5. Allowing him to have some accidents in undies to feel the discomfort of that and make him aware of when he is going pee-pee.
6. Oh, and keep your steam cleaner close by and ready. :)
So, again, I am no expert, but this is seriously working for us so I thought I would share. Good Luck!
So, for those wondering, this is what we have been doing.
Went cold turkey yesterday straight into undies. Luke was less than thrilled and I actually had to chase him around the living room to get them on him. The day began with me asking if he needed to go potty and him saying "no, potty" and running away laughing.
He had two big accidents, meaning full pee-pee on the floor. He stood there shocked and said "what happened?". I told him he went pee-pee on the floor and that was yucky. We would rush to the potty and let him try to finish. The first three times he was unsuccessful. Each time he had an accident, I would just say "Uh-oh" and run him to the potty. I would say "almost, let's try again in a little while" and then he would say "otay, mommy".
The fourth time he started to pee-pee, he stopped himself and told me he had to go potty. We rush him to the little potty, which was set up in the living room, and he finally went pee-pee after about a minute of sitting there. This was a HUGE break through. We made a big ordeal out of it, clapping, singing "Lukey went pee-pee in the potty", high fiving, etc. He got really excited and slammed down the lid to the potty and said "Ta-da!"
After he goes pee-pee sucessfully, we repeat this bought of crazy screaming, dancing, and applauding. Then we walk the pee-pee bucket into the bathroom and he gets to pour it into the big potty. Then he gets to flush it and watch it go down "the tunnel". Then we wash our hands, dry them off, and then parade into the kitchen when he gets to pick out a "special treat" (aka jelly bean) from the "special treat jar". This is when I tell him how happy I am and he tells me how happy he is.
The biggest things that have seemed to help are:
1. Moving the little potty around the house with us where ever we go. That way it is in sight all the time and keeps him thinking about it.
2. Rewarding him with a jelly bean each time he is successful. This is probably a big no-no, but it seems to be working for us and even though I may have to carry around jelly beans in my purse until he starts kindergarten, my kid is peeing in the potty!
3. Not over-reacting when he has an accident by just saying "Uh-oh" and taking him immediately to the potty. Then pumping him up about trying again in a little while.
4. Setting him up for success, by keeping a close eye on him and watching him for signs that he needs to go potty and reminding him often.
5. Allowing him to have some accidents in undies to feel the discomfort of that and make him aware of when he is going pee-pee.
6. Oh, and keep your steam cleaner close by and ready. :)
So, again, I am no expert, but this is seriously working for us so I thought I would share. Good Luck!
Don't ask why, but Luke calls his pee-pee, poop, and his poop, a "turk". Today we made a "turk" in the big potty and watched it go down the tunnel when we flushed. Haha!
He is on a roll. We had another big pee-pee in the big potty this morning and now he is down for his nap. He refused to put on a pull-up and wanted big boy undies at naptime so we'll see how he does. I am expecting an accident.
Wish us luck!
Disclaimer: Expect lots of potty talk this week as this is all we think about/talk about/get excited these days. We will be enduring 'potty boot camp lock down' at the house until further notice.
He is on a roll. We had another big pee-pee in the big potty this morning and now he is down for his nap. He refused to put on a pull-up and wanted big boy undies at naptime so we'll see how he does. I am expecting an accident.
Wish us luck!
Disclaimer: Expect lots of potty talk this week as this is all we think about/talk about/get excited these days. We will be enduring 'potty boot camp lock down' at the house until further notice.
Luke has not had an accident since this morning and has gone to the potty to pee-pee about 5 or 6 times and has pooped in the big potty once!!! He is really good about telling me when he needs to go and running to the potty.
He is so proud of himself and gets really excited each time he "makes pee-pee"!
My widdle baby is growing up (sniffle).
He is so proud of himself and gets really excited each time he "makes pee-pee"!
My widdle baby is growing up (sniffle).
After two pee-pee accidents on my pottery barn zebra rug and one on the carpet, we had a SUCCESSFUL pee-pee in the potty!!!
Go Lukey!
He said he had to go pee-pee and so I put him on the potty quickly. I checked his undies and there were just a few dribbles. He sat there a few seconds and then started to pee-pee! Grandma was here to join in on the excitement as we clapped and cheered and high-fived and then gave him his "special treat" (a jelly bean).
I just put him in a pull up for nap time and he is in bed. Things are going well.
Go Lukey!
He said he had to go pee-pee and so I put him on the potty quickly. I checked his undies and there were just a few dribbles. He sat there a few seconds and then started to pee-pee! Grandma was here to join in on the excitement as we clapped and cheered and high-fived and then gave him his "special treat" (a jelly bean).
I just put him in a pull up for nap time and he is in bed. Things are going well.
Luke does not want to wear his Thomas the Train undies and wants nothing to do with the potty.
I am determined. He can do it, I know he can.
He will only sit on the potty for about 5 seconds then runs away.
This is going to be a LONG week.
I am determined. He can do it, I know he can.
He will only sit on the potty for about 5 seconds then runs away.
This is going to be a LONG week.
1. my name is julian
2. but everyone calls me juli
3. except nick...he calls me julian and always has
4. I call him nicholas
5. I have 2 kids
6. I want lots of kids, I'd have 4 if I thought we could afford it
7. I cannot be trusted around cookies
8. Luke likes to eat the dough
9. I let him
10. I think Luke is funny
11. I let him get away with more than I should because he is so darn funny
12. This list is harder than I thought
13. Maybe that means I am a boring person
14. I have 2 sisters
15. One is older
16. And one is younger
17. I fit many of the middle child characteristics
18. I don't fit many of them too
19. I desperately need a pedicure
20. I used to get pedicures every two weeks like clockwork before the kids
21. Now I have a sloppy paint job done by my 3 year old neice with her sparkly tinkerbell nail polish
22. She painted Luke's toe nails too
23. He enjoyed it and says his toe nails are "piddy"
24. It does not bother me that my son is wearing nail polish
25. I also put lip gloss on him and make up when he asks for it
26. My house is picked up most of the time
27. Except the dinning room and the master closet
28. Those are almost always in shambles
29. I still keep in touch with many of my high school friends
30. We do a girls dinner every couple of months
31. My best friend is getting married soon
32. I am a bridesmaid
33. I need to lose weight before the wedding
34. I have not tried to lose weight yet
35. I eat what I want most of the time
36. I am about 20 pounds over weight
37. I will be skinny again, but right now I'm okay with it
38. Except I can only fit in about half of my clothes
39. I still wear some of my maternity clothes
40. I have continued to wear my maternity undies since Luke was born (haha)
41. I am proud of myself for breastfeeding
42. I am a good mother
43. I love being a mother
44. I always said as a little girl that I just wanted to be a mom
45. I have a degree in psychology
46. I thought I wanted to be an LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor)
47. I took some graduate classes and then changed my mind and took an insurance job
48. I met Nick at work
49. I knew I would marry him from the first time I met him
50. I told one of my best friends that I would marry him shortly after we met
51. I am a happy person
52. I love my husband dearly
53. I want to do more for him
54. I have been making it a point to pack his breakfast/lunch and make his coffee for work every day
55. I think I am a good wife
56. I could do better
57. I feel torn in a thousand directions most of the time
58. Our family has been blessed in many ways
59. I think I am a funny person
60. Nick thinks he is funnier
61. I am a so-so cook
62. I made a pasta salad the other night that almost made me sick
63. If I even speak the words "pasta ole" Nick throws up a little in his mouth
64. I give Luke WAY too many hot dogs
65. He loves hot dogs
66. I love taking bubble baths
67. Nick surprises me with a bubble bath every once in a while
68. Nick loves to surprise me
69. I am still not sure how I snagged him
70. I have a hard time telling someone 'no'
71. I am almost always a little late, no matter where we are going or what time we start getting ready
72. I spend time coordinating my outfit with what Olivia is wearing
73. She is almost always attached to my boob so I feel it necessary that we match (haha)
74. I should wear make up more often
75. I feel pretty about half of the time
76. I want to go on a beach vacation with just me and Nick
77. But I would miss the kids too much
78. I believe in soul mates
79. I am not a dog person (anymore)
80. I had a dog named Gracie
81. She was a beautiful white and buff cocker spaniel
82. She was my baby
83. She had an attitude problem and was probably mentally retarded (if a dog can be)
84. She saw a pet psychic once
85. That was weird
86. Nick ended up getting up during the session and walking away
87. I wanted to walk away too, but she was holding onto my dog
88. Gracie went to live in Arizona with an older couple
89. She has a house in Maine and gets to go out on their boat
90. They give her popcorn often
91. I don't really miss her
92. I feel bad about that, she was my 'first born'
93. She growled and snapped and Luke when he was a baby
94. We had no choice but to find her a new home
95. I will never have another dog
96. They are too 'licky' and stink
97. I like to pet other people's dogs, though
98. Maybe we will get a hermit crab or gold fish from the fair, something with a life expectancy of no more than 30 days
99. I love scented oil
100. I probably use too much
2. but everyone calls me juli
3. except nick...he calls me julian and always has
4. I call him nicholas
5. I have 2 kids
6. I want lots of kids, I'd have 4 if I thought we could afford it
7. I cannot be trusted around cookies
8. Luke likes to eat the dough
9. I let him
10. I think Luke is funny
11. I let him get away with more than I should because he is so darn funny
12. This list is harder than I thought
13. Maybe that means I am a boring person
14. I have 2 sisters
15. One is older
16. And one is younger
17. I fit many of the middle child characteristics
18. I don't fit many of them too
19. I desperately need a pedicure
20. I used to get pedicures every two weeks like clockwork before the kids
21. Now I have a sloppy paint job done by my 3 year old neice with her sparkly tinkerbell nail polish
22. She painted Luke's toe nails too
23. He enjoyed it and says his toe nails are "piddy"
24. It does not bother me that my son is wearing nail polish
25. I also put lip gloss on him and make up when he asks for it
26. My house is picked up most of the time
27. Except the dinning room and the master closet
28. Those are almost always in shambles
29. I still keep in touch with many of my high school friends
30. We do a girls dinner every couple of months
31. My best friend is getting married soon
32. I am a bridesmaid
33. I need to lose weight before the wedding
34. I have not tried to lose weight yet
35. I eat what I want most of the time
36. I am about 20 pounds over weight
37. I will be skinny again, but right now I'm okay with it
38. Except I can only fit in about half of my clothes
39. I still wear some of my maternity clothes
40. I have continued to wear my maternity undies since Luke was born (haha)
41. I am proud of myself for breastfeeding
42. I am a good mother
43. I love being a mother
44. I always said as a little girl that I just wanted to be a mom
45. I have a degree in psychology
46. I thought I wanted to be an LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor)
47. I took some graduate classes and then changed my mind and took an insurance job
48. I met Nick at work
49. I knew I would marry him from the first time I met him
50. I told one of my best friends that I would marry him shortly after we met
51. I am a happy person
52. I love my husband dearly
53. I want to do more for him
54. I have been making it a point to pack his breakfast/lunch and make his coffee for work every day
55. I think I am a good wife
56. I could do better
57. I feel torn in a thousand directions most of the time
58. Our family has been blessed in many ways
59. I think I am a funny person
60. Nick thinks he is funnier
61. I am a so-so cook
62. I made a pasta salad the other night that almost made me sick
63. If I even speak the words "pasta ole" Nick throws up a little in his mouth
64. I give Luke WAY too many hot dogs
65. He loves hot dogs
66. I love taking bubble baths
67. Nick surprises me with a bubble bath every once in a while
68. Nick loves to surprise me
69. I am still not sure how I snagged him
70. I have a hard time telling someone 'no'
71. I am almost always a little late, no matter where we are going or what time we start getting ready
72. I spend time coordinating my outfit with what Olivia is wearing
73. She is almost always attached to my boob so I feel it necessary that we match (haha)
74. I should wear make up more often
75. I feel pretty about half of the time
76. I want to go on a beach vacation with just me and Nick
77. But I would miss the kids too much
78. I believe in soul mates
79. I am not a dog person (anymore)
80. I had a dog named Gracie
81. She was a beautiful white and buff cocker spaniel
82. She was my baby
83. She had an attitude problem and was probably mentally retarded (if a dog can be)
84. She saw a pet psychic once
85. That was weird
86. Nick ended up getting up during the session and walking away
87. I wanted to walk away too, but she was holding onto my dog
88. Gracie went to live in Arizona with an older couple
89. She has a house in Maine and gets to go out on their boat
90. They give her popcorn often
91. I don't really miss her
92. I feel bad about that, she was my 'first born'
93. She growled and snapped and Luke when he was a baby
94. We had no choice but to find her a new home
95. I will never have another dog
96. They are too 'licky' and stink
97. I like to pet other people's dogs, though
98. Maybe we will get a hermit crab or gold fish from the fair, something with a life expectancy of no more than 30 days
99. I love scented oil
100. I probably use too much
The kids have been tag teaming me all morning. The second one calms down the other starts to stir. I feel like I have been running a relay race since 6am when I awoke to the sound of little feet shuffling toward my bed and then the words "I wanna lay in mommy's bed" over and over until I finally caved.
Both kids are asleep (shhh, I don't want to jinx it) and I'm finally catching my breath.
A little online shopping (well browsing) should do the trick to help recharge my batteries before Lukey hits the ground running again.
First off...let's work on Lukey's big boy room.
This headboard for a full size bed...

Sheets I like, but I can't find a duvet to match...

Growth chart...

More brainstorming...

And if Luke had it his way (and I felt this was worth $600) we would get this...
Both kids are asleep (shhh, I don't want to jinx it) and I'm finally catching my breath.
A little online shopping (well browsing) should do the trick to help recharge my batteries before Lukey hits the ground running again.
First off...let's work on Lukey's big boy room.
This headboard for a full size bed...

Sheets I like, but I can't find a duvet to match...

Growth chart...

More brainstorming...

And if Luke had it his way (and I felt this was worth $600) we would get this...

I alluded to the fact that 'operation lock the door' was not going so swell. Basically, Luke would turn into a wild banshee as soon as we would shut and lock the door. He would throw things at the door, hang on the door handle and kick the door, and run around the room building up more steam. It would sometimes take hours for him to finally wear down and pass out. Not fun for any of us. We thought eventually he would calm down and get used to it. forward 5 weeks and this is still going on.
So, after some advice from a friend, I tried a new method. I told Luke that I would leave the door open if he stayed in his bed, but if he gets out I will shut the door. He liked this idea and was excited to get in bed. The first attempt at this took a little over 3 hours for him to finally stay in bed. I just kept Super Nanny-ing it and put him back in bed over and over and over and....over. He was not crying, just trying to stall by asking for water, kisses, more water, etc. He would also sneak out of his room and into the playroom and start playing with toys. In true Super Nanny fashion, I would not say anything to him, I would just point to his bed and he would slowly get back in. After a couple hours of this, when I pointed at his bed, he just stood there and pointed back at me. I had to turn my head to keep from laughing. I couple of times I did have to shut the door back and lock it, to let him know I mean business, of course. Each time, he would cry but would immediately jump back into bed and say "Mommy, I in the door, peeze!"
So, after three LONG hours, Mama won and the little boy passed his bed! That night, I only had to put him back in bed about 3 times before he went to sleep. I was shocked!! I had already geared up for another long night and had a cold gatorade ready to see me through it. At about 4:45am he tried coming into our room, we stuck to our guns and made him go back to bed. We all slept until 8am!! When we finally got up and walked into the living room we saw Luke curled up on the couch with his "baby" (blankie).
Halleluiah!!! Our child is sleeping again! Even if he is sneaking out to sleep on the couch every night...the kid is SLEEPING!!!
This post brought to you by Super Nanny. Without whom I would not have two sleeping children right now and a few spare minutes to update my blog. I love you, Super Nanny!

Babies R Us is taking back all of your old bottles and sippy cups that contain BPA and giving full price credit toward new BPA free ones!!!
This is an awesome deal if you have been wanting/needing to replace old sippies. I just loaded up ALL of our sippy cups and bottles since I didn't know which had BPA and they took back almost all of them. I bought all new sippies so now we just have one kind in the house. No more trying to figure out which lid goes to which cup...I know Nick will appreciate that!