my go at the '100 things' list...

4:02 AM

1. my name is julian
2. but everyone calls me juli
3. except nick...he calls me julian and always has
4. I call him nicholas
5. I have 2 kids
6. I want lots of kids, I'd have 4 if I thought we could afford it
7. I cannot be trusted around cookies
8. Luke likes to eat the dough
9. I let him
10. I think Luke is funny
11. I let him get away with more than I should because he is so darn funny
12. This list is harder than I thought
13. Maybe that means I am a boring person
14. I have 2 sisters
15. One is older
16. And one is younger
17. I fit many of the middle child characteristics
18. I don't fit many of them too
19. I desperately need a pedicure
20. I used to get pedicures every two weeks like clockwork before the kids
21. Now I have a sloppy paint job done by my 3 year old neice with her sparkly tinkerbell nail polish
22. She painted Luke's toe nails too
23. He enjoyed it and says his toe nails are "piddy"
24. It does not bother me that my son is wearing nail polish
25. I also put lip gloss on him and make up when he asks for it
26. My house is picked up most of the time
27. Except the dinning room and the master closet
28. Those are almost always in shambles
29. I still keep in touch with many of my high school friends
30. We do a girls dinner every couple of months
31. My best friend is getting married soon
32. I am a bridesmaid
33. I need to lose weight before the wedding
34. I have not tried to lose weight yet
35. I eat what I want most of the time
36. I am about 20 pounds over weight
37. I will be skinny again, but right now I'm okay with it
38. Except I can only fit in about half of my clothes
39. I still wear some of my maternity clothes
40. I have continued to wear my maternity undies since Luke was born (haha)
41. I am proud of myself for breastfeeding
42. I am a good mother
43. I love being a mother
44. I always said as a little girl that I just wanted to be a mom
45. I have a degree in psychology
46. I thought I wanted to be an LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor)
47. I took some graduate classes and then changed my mind and took an insurance job
48. I met Nick at work
49. I knew I would marry him from the first time I met him
50. I told one of my best friends that I would marry him shortly after we met
51. I am a happy person
52. I love my husband dearly
53. I want to do more for him
54. I have been making it a point to pack his breakfast/lunch and make his coffee for work every day
55. I think I am a good wife
56. I could do better
57. I feel torn in a thousand directions most of the time
58. Our family has been blessed in many ways
59. I think I am a funny person
60. Nick thinks he is funnier
61. I am a so-so cook
62. I made a pasta salad the other night that almost made me sick
63. If I even speak the words "pasta ole" Nick throws up a little in his mouth
64. I give Luke WAY too many hot dogs
65. He loves hot dogs
66. I love taking bubble baths
67. Nick surprises me with a bubble bath every once in a while
68. Nick loves to surprise me
69. I am still not sure how I snagged him
70. I have a hard time telling someone 'no'
71. I am almost always a little late, no matter where we are going or what time we start getting ready
72. I spend time coordinating my outfit with what Olivia is wearing
73. She is almost always attached to my boob so I feel it necessary that we match (haha)
74. I should wear make up more often
75. I feel pretty about half of the time
76. I want to go on a beach vacation with just me and Nick
77. But I would miss the kids too much
78. I believe in soul mates
79. I am not a dog person (anymore)
80. I had a dog named Gracie
81. She was a beautiful white and buff cocker spaniel
82. She was my baby
83. She had an attitude problem and was probably mentally retarded (if a dog can be)
84. She saw a pet psychic once
85. That was weird
86. Nick ended up getting up during the session and walking away
87. I wanted to walk away too, but she was holding onto my dog
88. Gracie went to live in Arizona with an older couple
89. She has a house in Maine and gets to go out on their boat
90. They give her popcorn often
91. I don't really miss her
92. I feel bad about that, she was my 'first born'
93. She growled and snapped and Luke when he was a baby
94. We had no choice but to find her a new home
95. I will never have another dog
96. They are too 'licky' and stink
97. I like to pet other people's dogs, though
98. Maybe we will get a hermit crab or gold fish from the fair, something with a life expectancy of no more than 30 days
99. I love scented oil
100. I probably use too much

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  1. You are dorky & gay! But I do love how you let Gracie meet with a psychic. Nick is a hater.

  2. I LOVED this, but it is probably because I am also "dorky & gay" as Laurin described. HA!
    Think I might steal it and do it myself but 100 things seems a little difficult!

  3. I really enjoyed reading your 100 things. I might try it sometime before school starts.

  4. i found it much more difficult than i thought it would be when i did my 100 things list for my 100th blog post. really enjoyed reading yours. i could relate to a lot of your 100 things.



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