barbeque & still pregnant

10:29 PM

{37 wks, 3 days} I am sitting here trying to recap the weekend and I cannot, for the life of me, remember what we did on Friday, or the rest of the weekend, for that matter. I do remember that we made a few trips to the neighborhood pool, I made a Boboli Pizza at some point, and on Saturday evening we went to a barbeque at my friend, Lisa's house, but most of the weekend is a blur. I feel like pregnancy makes me go retarded. It's like all the blood is flowing away from my brain or something. I cannot remember anything, I cannot think, and complete sentences are a thing of the past. What is it about pregnancy that does this to a person?? Is it not enough that it takes your thighs, butt, and boobs hostage as it transforms them into those of a complete stranger?? Must it take my mind too!

So, anyhoo...we had so much fun at the barbeque and it was so cute to watch Luke play with his little buddies. Yes, there was the occassional toddler smack down and, yes, Luke did bop his friend, Cole, on the head with a golf club a few too many times, but I think they had fun...haha. As for the rest of us, it was heaven to just sit outside in the shade, enjoy a sparkling lemonade, and relax. I couldn't help but find myself thinking that that may have been my last Saturday as a mother of one.

I have such mixed emotions lately. I am so extremely excited to meet my little daughter and snuggle her up in my arms. I think, perhaps, even more excited this time around, knowing just how amazing that whole experience will be. But then, when Luke starts crying for me to "hold you" and I just can't because of this enormous basketball under my shirt, I feel sad for him. He is still my baby and I want more than anything to be able to swoop him up anytime he needs me, rock him to sleep every night (if he'd let me), and play and wrestle with him on the floor until we are laughing so hard that we "pee-pee our diapers". I know this is all going to change soon once there are two little ones to compete for my attention, but we will figure it out and it will be even more amazing that I could ever imagine.

So, back to our weekend...after a blur of a Sunday (church, pool, lunch, nap, manicure/pedicure, shopping) we headed over to my mom's house for pot roast. We had some free tickets to the movies that we wanted to use before the baby came so we thought this would be a good opportunity to let Luke spend some time with Nana, while Mommy and Daddy get one last date night. (I keep referring to things as "the last weekend", "the last date night", "the last blah blah blah"...I sound like I'm about to walk the plank or something...haha).

So, my mom had bought these two giant blow up boats, one of which was a fire rescue boat (see above pic) complete with an operable watergun, and had placed them out in the pool. This was a little too much for Luke to handle as we would soon find out. The idea was that we would go outside to show Cameron the fire boat and then go back inside to eat dinner. After dinner, we said, they could all go swimming. So Luke starts shuffling his feet closer and closer to the pool and just as I reach to grab his arm and steer him back up the steps inside the house, he turns and runs. He does not even hesitate as he takes a running jump through the air and onto the fire boat. He only makes it half way on, with his legs dangling in the water, but is quickly able to pull himself the rest of the way up onto the boat. The momentum of his jump caused the boat to dart toward the deep end and, of course, I was in a panick. I was trying to lean over the edge and grab the string to the boat, all the while telling Luke to stay still, when all of a sudden, this blur of a person jumps from what seems like over my shoulder, into the pool. When the blur finally surfaced, I realized it was my little sister, Laurin. Haha...she was like "you guys were going to let a two year old float on a boat out in the deep end??" Her quick thinking created quite a splash and drenched Luke, but I was glad to see her "jump to action" whereas the rest of us, including me, Luke's own mother, were just screaming on the side of the pool. If he had fallen in the water, I would have certainly jumped in without hesitation, but when you have a dare-devil son like Luke you come to expect these kinds of things from him and so it's not necessarily shocking when he goes 007 and jumps 3 feet onto a pool float.

Please, oh please, let Olivia have a little more sense than her big brother...haha. I'm not sure my heart can handle it :)

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